work, fandom, pretty men, otw, real life

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  • Adventures in cooking

    scribblesinink Apr 21, 2012 19:58

    Obviously, weekly veggie box of organic vegetables notwithstanding, I'm not born to be a kitchen princess. Chopping onions makes me cry like a baby, pepper makes me sneeze, and I've discovered the hard way it's a very bad idea to burn red pepper *cough wheeze*

    This entry was originally posted at ( Read more... )

    randomness, real life

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  • Giant bell pepper is gigantic

    scribblesinink Mar 06, 2012 19:57

    Every week on Tuesday, I get delivered a veggie box full of organically grown veggies, and over the past months, I have eaten the weirdest, most obscure or forgotten veggies imaginable (ask
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    photography, world of weird, real life

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  • Various and sundry, bullet pointed

    scribblesinink Mar 03, 2012 21:18

    - *sigh* I was thinking I was starting to catch up with my to-read magazines... only to find five new ones in the mail this morning ( Read more... )

    writing, randomness, fanfic, real life

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  • Dentist

    scribblesinink Jan 10, 2012 18:57

    Guh, five hours since my dentist visit, and I still don't have full sensation back in my lip. Now I remember why I usually don't bother with an anesthetic and just suffer through the few painful minutes of procedure. Glad I was working from home today, cause it looks ridiculous, too.

    This entry was originally posted at http://scribblesinink.Read more... )

    health, real life

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  • *yawns*

    scribblesinink Jan 06, 2012 23:10

    Long day today.... First eight hours of regular work, then another four at one of the crisis centers for the high water problems we're having in my area. Definitely time for bed now! Hope things will get better (and not worse as there's still a risk of a dike breaking) overnight.

    This entry was originally posted at http://scribblesinink.dreamwidthRead more... )

    work, real life

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  • *iz ded*

    scribblesinink Dec 27, 2011 18:15

    So, yesterday, after the Christmas family brunch (and the unofficial gift-giving that took us over 2 hours to unwrap everything, ahem...) I took my 4 y/o nephew home with me for a little sleep-over ( Read more... )

    family, real life

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